Yves Behar's perspective on design integrates the idea of the narrative - how a specific object can relate a story that acknowledges the design processes and the value of the product. By challenging the stylistic side of design and focusing on the human experience Behar provides a new point of view on how to approach design.
Through this approach Behar highlights how designers need to consider creating a 'different relationship between our work and our world' - a concept which leans more toward functionality and the experience of using an object rather than stylising it to look good. An example being his Leaf Light for Herman Miller that gives the user the power to change the brightness and colouration of the light to suit their mood - providing multiple settings and increasing the functionality of a singular lamp.
Through this philosophy Behar offers designers a new way to approach design that creates value, functionality and connection between the user and the object. By using the approach of designing inside out, he challenges the idea that design is centered around aesthetics and less on functionality suggesting this approach gives a more 'humanistic sense' to objects which are designed.
This idea provides another point of as to how to approach design by making the connection between narrative, design and human interaction. While it is not so focused on the aesthetics qualities of design it makes one think about how to improve functionality and the experience the user has when interacting with any given object.
*Photo, Yves Behar, Metropolis Mag, http://www.metropolismag.com/webimages/594/YvesBehar_t346.jpg
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